Saturday, June 7, 2014

Other Options For Seth Rollins

Seth Rollins joining Evolution doesn’t make much sense.  24 hours before he was the turning point for the Shield in their match versus Evolution.  Yet, his out of nowhere heel turn shocked everyone.  I guess everybody has a price, but I’m not buying this turn and I think maybe WWE could still save the swerve.

Rollins turn was dramatic, but in the course of the storyline lacks logic.  Sure everybody has a price, but after seeing Batista quit Rollins had to know the Shield had won the war.  The actual turn was quite refreshing as the WWE seems too rarely due shock heel turns anymore.  A good example is the incredibly slow and boring turn of Cody Rhodes.

I’m not going to argue the merits of the turn because it has value, but I find that the logic of it bothering me.  Why would he turn?  So he could be the big star?  Money?  Tired of fighting the authority?  All boring reasons and nothing he could say using those as excuses is going to breathe any life into this rivalry beyond what it is.

I instead suggest the WWE do something with this that could really send the company into a better direction and breathe some life into what has become a pretty stale product as of late.  It’s my opinion that the slow moving Authority angle needs to be put to bed.  Stephanie and HHH need to disappear off TV as they have worn out their welcome.

I think the audience needs something really fresh.  What I would do is move have Rollins turn on Evolution and join Paul Heyman.  I would do it like this.  First I have Heyman open the next Raw with Cesaro.  Heyman is upset about his treatment since Brock conquered the streak.  He’s not getting enough respect.
Heyman feels like his talents are being underutilized and he needs to expand his horizons.  He could cut a scathing promo on Steph and HHH.  This causes Steph to come out and confront Heyman.  They exchange jabs leading to a challenge.  Rollins and Orton versus Cesaro and a partner of Heyman’s choosing.

Heyman spends the rest of the show plotting who the new partner could be.  We get to the end of the show and Heyman announces the new partner.  Many at this point might feel that Rollins will turn, but instead Big E comes to the ring.  Here’s a guy who needs Heyman and is basically doing nothing in the company. 
Rollins and Orton with HHH in their corner are taken aback.  The crowd really focuses in on what will happen next.  I think everyone falls asleep to their being any other swerves.  Orton starts the match out.  He battles on for a while, but when he goes to tag Rollins in a key spot Rollins jumps him.  The three guys stamp out Orton with a major beat down.  HHH is taken aback and scurries back up the ramp while Heyman and crew wipe out Orton.

At this point they injury him enough to get him off TV for awhile.  Let’s face it Orton needs some time away.  He needs to be brought back fresh.  The WWE has really damaged him the last few years.  He needs a complete overhaul. 

HHH retreats to the top of the stage to see Heyman and his crew celebrating their move.  HHH's limited heat moves to the Heyman stable and he can slowly be phased out for another time.

Rollins can explain the following week that he needed to be with winners.  He needed to be Heyman guy.  The Shield was over and Evolution was a thing of the past.  He was motivated by Lesnar beating the Undertaker and Heyman’s success with CM Punk and his long title run.

The story writes itself from there, and the focus comes off HHH and Steph who have gone stale and swings to Heyman who just seems to be the hot mic guy and manager in the company.  WWE can now also start getting more value from the Undertaker loss.  Maybe it spring boards everything to a Taker Lesnar rematch.  It gains a lot of steam if the Heyman guys are hot.

To me it makes more sense than Rollins withering away under HHH who has a small amount of heat and it gives the company a fresh stable lead by a guy who knows how to cut promo’s and tell stories.  In the Heyman stable you would have four guys who can work in the ring.  Lots of possibilities with Cena, Bryan and perhaps some other fresh faces over the next few months.

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